Brief again this week. I know everyone is busy but I haven’t had many free seconds the past few weeks. Good problem to have!
3 Gun is ON for this Saturday
Registration: 8:45
Walkthru: 9:30
Fee: $20
No Practice this weekend. I am out of town. Huge thanks to Duane and Andy for taking on the match for me. If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t have a match on these weekends. I really appreciate them stepping up and making the matches happen. Please tell them thanks!! And go easy on them.
There have also been many folks verbally and through email asking me to add them to this email list and I haven’t made time to make it happen. So if you have friends that are interested please share this email so they know there is a match going on. I’ll get them added at my earliest convenience.
Other quick updates
USPSA for May is on the fence. I’ll be out of town, will see if someone can run the match. That is Mothers Day FYI. Will update.
DPL will be on the 16th of May and is a go.
3 Gun is the 23rd and will be a go as well! I’ll be there!!! Yay!