Basic Practical Pistol Course
Designed for the brand new shooter who has never drawn a gun from the holster. This would also be an excellent course for someone looking for self-defense training.
Intermediate Practical Pistol Course
Designed for the majority of shooters, we evaluate each shooter carefully and design a custom course around the individual’s personal ability. This core program covers extensively the “high speed execution of the fundamentals”. We will cover grip, stance, draw, multiple types of sight pictures and trigger pulls, detailed trigger control, transitions, positional work, reloads, shooting on the move, moving targets, and much more! Whether your focus is USPSA, IPSC, IDPA, law enforcement, military, or just enthusiast you will learn to manipulate and fire your handgun to the highest of it’s ability. We know how to shoot and we are out on the circuit proving it!
Advanced Practical Pistol Course I and II, etc.
Designed for shooters who have attended any of our previous courses. What makes an expert? Performing the fundamentals at high speed more consistently than your competitor or adversary. In our advanced programs we will take you to the next level and push you to performance you didn’t think possible. We will evaluate, enhance your strengths, and bring your weaknesses up a notch! If you stop training you stop improving….period!
Specialized Courses
Are also available in the field of 3-gun basic training, Bianchi cup training, steel challenge handgun training, military, and law enforcement instructor training.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that the basic pistol course or the intermediate pistol course be prerequisites to the other courses available.