This Sunday! 6 stages including a classifier. I will be out of town, past President of Polk County Practical Shooters Andy Mercak will be running the match for you. Thanks Andy! I’ll be setting stages tomorrow. Don’t miss this opportunity to come out and experience some great Florida weather!
Registration: 0845
Walkthrough: 0930
Fee: $20
Steel Challenge
Thanks do Duane for taking charge of our Steel Challenge. He has the stages moved down to the south end, all 8 ready to go. Reminder we shoot every Thursday and the first Saturday of the month is our Sanctioned Match for classifier scores
**Read This Part**
Hwy 630 is closed between US 27 and Hwy 17. If coming from Tampa or the north you likely use the 630A cutoff road from 27 over to 630. You can’t get through there. It will be closed most of the summer for a water project. Cut over through Babson Park or go down 60 to Walk In Water. If coming from south you probably don’t use that road anyway but if you’d like to, you can’t. From the east you’re good (Jim). Check our facebook page for a map.
Apologies, I’ve missed some timely score submissions this month. But everything is in and should show on the update tonight.
US IPSC Nationals is open for registration. We are still looking for some staff. If you are interested email me.